Results for 'Benito F. Reyes'

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  1. Moments without self.Benito F. Reyes - 1960 - Manila,: Pillar Pub. House.
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    (3 other versions)Vii.—New books. [REVIEW]C. A. F. Reys Davids - 1906 - Mind 15 (57):122-b-124.
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    Remarks on the Configuration Space Approach to Spin-Statistics.Andrés F. Reyes-Lega & Carlos Benavides - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):1004-1029.
    The angular momentum operators for a system of two spin-zero indistinguishable particles are constructed, using Isham’s Canonical Group Quantization method. This mathematically rigorous method provides a hint at the correct definition of (total) angular momentum operators, for arbitrary spin, in a system of indistinguishable particles. The connection with other configuration space approaches to spin-statistics is discussed, as well as the relevance of the obtained results in view of a possible alternative proof of the spin-statistics theorem.
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    Andres Manjon: Estudio de su Sistema Pedagogico.A. C. F. Beales & Angel Benito Y. Duran - 1957 - British Journal of Educational Studies 5 (2):192.
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: A collective writing project on the state of Filipino philosophy of education.Gina A. Opiniano, Liz Jackson, Franz Giuseppe F. Cortez, Elizer Jay de los Reyes, Marella Ada V. Mancenido-Bolaños, Fleurdeliz R. Altez-Albela, Rodrigo Abenes, Jennifer Monje, Tyrene Joy B. Basal, Peter Paul E. Elicor, Ruby S. Suazo & Rowena Azada-Palacios - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1256-1270.
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    On the Geometry of the Berry-Robbins Approach to Spin-Statistics.Nikolaos Papadopoulos & Andrés F. Reyes-Lega - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (7):829-851.
    Within a geometric and algebraic framework, the structures which are related to the spin-statistics connection are discussed. A comparison with the Berry-Robbins approach is made. The underlying geometric structure constitutes an additional support for this approach. In our work, a geometric approach to quantum indistinguishability is introduced which allows the treatment of singlevaluedness of wave functions in a global, model independent way.
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    Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of Child and Youth Resilience Measure.María Llistosella, Teresa Gutiérrez-Rosado, Rocío Rodríguez-Rey, Linda Liebenberg, Ángela Bejarano, Juana Gómez-Benito & Joaquín T. Limonero - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    (1 other version)Science et loi. [REVIEW]H. T. C., Abel Rey, F. Jonseth, Henri Mineur, A. Berthoud, L. Cuenot, Henri Pieron, Henri Wallon, Maurice Halbwachs, Francois Simiand, Victor Chapot & Lucien Febvre - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (25):698.
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    New Perspectives for Computer-Aided Discrimination of Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremor.P. Povalej Bržan, J. A. Gallego, J. P. Romero, V. Glaser, E. Rocon, J. Benito-León, F. Bermejo-Pareja, I. J. Posada & A. Holobar - 2017 - Complexity:1-17.
    Pathological tremor is a common but highly complex movement disorder, affecting ~5% of population older than 65 years. Different methodologies have been proposed for its quantification. Nevertheless, the discrimination between Parkinson’s disease tremor and essential tremor remains a daunting clinical challenge, greatly impacting patient treatment and basic research. Here, we propose and compare several movement-based and electromyography-based tremor quantification metrics. For the latter, we identified individual motor unit discharge patterns from high-density surface electromyograms and characterized the neural drive to a (...)
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  10. Dettmann, CP, 641.J. T. Devreese, R. Aurich, N. L. Balazs, M. Barth, J. D. Bekenstein, R. M. Benito, K. F. Berggren, N. Berglund, M. Berry & R. Blümel - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (12).
  11.  14
    Characterization of the assessable professional performance of statistical information in medical students.Arnaldo Espindola Artola, Evelio F. Machado Ramírez, Cila E. Mola Reyes & Reinaldo Sampedro Ruiz - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (1):107-123.
    El Ministerio de Salud Pública cubano ha otorgado especial importancia al tema relacionado con el desempeño profesional evaluativo de la información estadística en los profesionales de la salud, pero una revisión bibliográfica permitió constatar el insuficiente debate pedagógico encaminado a diagnosticar su estado actual para proponer alternativas que permitan su formación y desarrollo en los estudiantes. Este artículo tiene como objetivo caracterizar el desempeño profesional evaluativo de la información estadística en estudiantes de Medicina. Los resultados obtenidos con la aplicación de (...)
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  12. O visível e o inteligível. Estudos sobre a percepção e o pensamento na Filosofia Grega Antiga.Miriam Campolina Diniz Peixoto, Marcelo Pimenta Marques, Fernando Rey Puente, M. C. D. Peixoto, M. P. Marques & F. R. Puente - 2012
    This book collects texts from three specialists in ancient philosophy which deal with the question of perceptive and intellective knowledge in antiquity. They try to present, in their different analyzes, the complex interrelationship among perception and thought in ancient authors, like Heraclitus, Parmenides, Democritus, Plato and Aristotle. The purpose of the texts is to expose the visible field - the perceptual knowledge domain - interacts with the invisible - the domain of reason and thought. In other words, that among them (...)
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    F. Rey Puente, Os sentidos do tempo em Aristóteles, S'o Paulo 2001 (Ediçôes Loyola, 381 págs.).Paloma Baño Henríquez - 2002 - Méthexis 15 (1):167-169.
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  14. Red light project gets the green light.R. Biswas, B. L. Nuno-Gutierrez, A. Hidalgo San Martin, O. H. Lopez, M. G. Rivera, E. Sacayon, C. de la Rey, A. Parekh, K. Cash & F. David - 1996 - Nexus 6 (5):3.
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  15. Rey A. - "la Théorie De La Physique Chez Les Physiciens Contemporains". [REVIEW]F. Enriques - 1907 - Scientia 1 (2):375.
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  16. Rey, A. - Les Mathématiques En Grèce Au Milieu Du Ve Siècle. [REVIEW]F. Enriques - 1936 - Scientia 30 (59):107.
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    Expressive Power and Intensional Operators.Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & David Rey - 2024 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 33 (2):107-141.
    In Entities and Indices, M. J. Cresswell argued that a first-order modal language can reach the expressive power of natural-language modal discourse only if we give to the formal language a semantics with indices containing infinite possible worlds and we add to it an infinite collection of operators $${{\varvec{actually}}}_n$$ actually n and $$ Ref _n$$ R e f n which store and retrieve worlds. In the fourth chapter of the book, Cresswell gave a proof that the resulting intensional language, which (...)
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    Sófocles; Edipo Rey; Edipo en Colono. Texto, traducción y notas por Ign. Errandonea, S.J., B.Litt., Oxford. Madrid: Ed. Voluntad, 1930. [REVIEW]F. A. Kirkpatrick - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (5):196-197.
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  19. Hadis-Rey Tartışmasının Hüküm Tespitine Etkisi: Hükmün Kaynağı Probleminin Kelamla İlişkisi Bağlamında Bir Değerlendirme.Elmas Gülhan Gençdoğan - 2021 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 56:119-142.
    Hükmün tanımına ilişkin fıkıh usulünde ortaya çıkan farklılıklar kelâmî bir zemin barındırmaktadır. Alaaddin es-Semerkandî hüküm teorisinin kelâmî zemininden bahsetmekte ve hükmün mahiyetine ilişkin farklılıklara itikadî ayrışmaların etkisini dile getirmektedir. Mu’tezile’nin şer’ gelmeden de fiillerin hükümlerinin bilinebileceğine ilişkin hüsun-kubuh anlayışına bir reaksiyon olarak Eş’arîler; aklın bir fiilin hüsun ve kubhuna dair hüküm veremeyeceği, aklın nimet verene şükretmeyi gerektirmeyeceği ve şer’ gelmeden önce fiillerin hükmünün bulunmadığı iddiasındadırlar. Hüküm teorisinde ortaya çıkan görüş farklılıklarının temellerinde hadis-rey problemi de yatmaktadır. Kur'an ve sünnetin en önemli (...)
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  20. Benito Arias Montano. Emblemas para Una biblización de la política.Luis Durán Guerra - 2008 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 21 (22):238.
    Este trabajo trata sobre el pensamiento político del humanista español Benito Arias Montano . Consta de dos partes: en la primera se estudia la actuación política de Arias Montano como consejero del rey Felipe II en Flandes; en la segunda se comenta elDavid , obra publicada por Arias Montano en colaboración con el artista holandés Philippe Galle en Amberes, donde se puede apreciar su alegoría sacro política.PALABRAS CLAVE: Arias Montano, Philippe Galle, Felipe II, política, República Cristiana Católica, metafórica teocrática, (...)
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    Fıkıh Usûlünün Yenilenmesi Tartışmalarında Fikrî ve Felsefî Yaklaşım.Seracettin Eraydin - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1383-1410.
    İslam hukuku tarihine baktığımızda fıkıh usûlünün bir süreç içerisinde geliştiğini söylemek mümkündür. Bu süreç içerisinde, mezhep imamları de-diğimiz müçtehitler başta olmak üzere birçok âlimin, fıkıh usûlü ilminin yapısını oluşturan katkılarından bahsedilebilir. Örneğin İmam Ebû Hanîfe’nin istihsana başvurması, İmam Mâlik’in amel-i ehli Medine ile amel etmesi ve İmam Şafiî’nin hem Ehl-i rey hem de Ehl-i hadisin fıkhını mezcederek elde ettiği formasyonla “er-Risâle” adlı eserinde bir usûl ortaya koyması fıkıh usûlü ilminin yapısını oluşturan katkıların başında gelmektedir. Bu katkıların yanında özellikle mezheplerin kurumsallaştığı (...)
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    M'likîlerin Nec'setler ve Kadınların Özel Halleriyle İlgili Cumhura Muhalefet Ettiği Bazı Fıkhî Meseleler.Abdülkadir Tekin & Osman Şahin - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (2):391-419.
    Bu çalışmada İmam Mâlik’in/Mâlikîlerin necasetler ve kadınların özel halleriyle ilgili üç sünni mezhep başta olmak üzere cumhura muhalefet ettiği ve bu mezhebin karakteristiği haline gelen bazı temel meselelerden yola çıkılarak onların Hicaz bölgesi kaynaklı bir mezhep olarak eser çizgisinde mi rey çizgisinde mi yahut bu iki arasında olup esere mi daha yakın olduğu ihtimallerini ortaya koymak amaçlanmıştır. Bu noktada Mâlikîlerin ve diğer mezheplerin muteber klasik kaynakları ile “ihtilâfu’l-fukahâ” türünden eserlere müracaat edilmiştir. Ele alınan örneklerde Mâlikîlerin görüşleri şöyledir: Suların pislenmesi konusunda (...)
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    Horasan Ekolünün Teşekkülünde H'tim el-Esam ve Entelektüel Ağı.Ayşegül Mete - 2023 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 25 (48):331-359.
    Erken dönem tasavvuf tarihinde iki ana akımdan biri olarak kabul edilen Horasan tasavvuf ekolünün şekillenmesinde Hâtim el-Esam (ö.237/851) önemli bir figür olarak karşımıza çıkar. İbrahim b. Edhem (ö.161/778) ve Şakîk-i Belhî (ö.194/810) kanalıyla gelen öğretinin Horasan ve Maveraünnehir genelinde aktarım ve intişarının sağlamasında onun etkin bir rol oynadığı bilinir. Aynı zamanda yetiştirdiği talebeleriyle Melâmetîliğin teşekkülüne katkı sağladığı kabul edilir. Bu makale Hâtim el-Esam’ın entelektüel açıdan kimliği ve ilişkiler ağının tespitine odaklanmaktadır. Herhangi bir akademik çalışmaya konu edilmediği görülen söz konusu odağı, (...)
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    (1 other version)Krausismo: estética y literatura.Juan López-Morillas - 1973 - Barcelona,: Ed. Labor.
    Krause, C. F. Concepto subjetivo-objetivo de lo bello.--Krause, K. C. F. [y] Sanz del Río, J. El arte y la poesía.--Fernández y González, F. Lo bello y la naturaleza.--Paula Canalejas, F. de. Del carácter de las pasiones en la tragedia y en el drama.--Giner de los Ríos, F. El arte y las artes.--Giner de los Ríos, F. Consideraciones sobre el desarrollo de la literatura moderna.--Revilla, M. de la. El naturalismo en el arte.--Revilla, M. de la. La tendencia docente en la (...)
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    Introspection during visual search.Gabriel Reyes & Jérôme Sackur - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 29:212-229.
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    Bringing tacit knowledge back to contributory and interactional expertise: A reply to Goddiksen.Luis I. Reyes-Galindo & Tiago Ribeiro Duarte - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 49:99-102.
  27. The theory of eternal recurrence in modern philosophy of science, with special reference to C. S. Peirce.Milic Capek - 1960 - Journal of Philosophy 57 (9):289-296.
    The cyclical theory f time, which is better known under the name of the 'theory of eternal recurrence,' is usually associated with certain ancient thinkers--in particular, Pythagoreans and Stoics. The most famous among those who have tried to revive the theory in the modern era is unquestionably Friedrich Nietzsche. It is less well known that the theory was defended also by C.S. Peirce and, as late as 1927, by the French historian of science, Abel Rey. The contemporary discussion of the (...)
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    Formal systems for modal operators on locales.Gonzalo E. Reyes & Marek W. Zawadowski - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (4):595 - 613.
    In the paper [8], the first author developped a topos- theoretic approach to reference and modality. (See also [5]). This approach leads naturally to modal operators on locales (or spaces without points). The aim of this paper is to develop the theory of such modal operators in the context of the theory of locales, to axiomatize the propositional modal logics arising in this context and to study completeness and decidability of the resulting systems.
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    Gestión del conocimiento en el Centro de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanísticas en Salud.Norbis Díaz Campos, Leimis Reyes Vasconcelos & Luis Alfredo Díaz Cruz - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (1):0-0.
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  30. Orientación Astronómica de algunos Monumentos Arqueológicos del Ecuador.Valentín Yurevich, Eduardo Almeida Reyes, Luis Espín & Gustavo Guayasamín - forthcoming - Manuscrito. Quito.
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    Demarcating Fringe Science for Policy.Harry Collins, Andrew Bartlett & Luis Reyes-Galindo - 2017 - Perspectives on Science 25 (4):411-438.
    Fringe science has been an important topic since the start of the revolution in the social studies of science that occurred in the early 1970s. The revolution was what Collins and Evans refer to as the "second wave of science studies," while this paper is best thought of as an exercise in "third wave science studies." The first wave was that period which reached its apogee in the aftermath of the Second World War when science was seen as unquestionably the (...)
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    Structuralist knowledge representation: paradigmatic examples.P. Lorenzano, W. Balzer, C. U. Moulines & J. Sneed - 2000 - In Joseph D. Sneed, Wolfgang Balzer & C.-U. Moulines, Structuralist Knowledge Representation: Paradigmatic Examples. Rodopi.
    Contents: Foreword. Wolfgang BALZER and C. ULISES MOULINES: Introduction. José A. DÍEZ CALZADA: Structuralist Analysis of Theories of Fundamental Measurement. Adolfo GARCÍA DE LA SIENRA and Pedro REYES: The Theory of Finite Games in Extensive Form. Hans Joachim BURSCHEID und Horst STRUVE: The Theory of Stochastic Fairness - its Historical Development, Formulation and Justification. Wolfgang BALZER and Richard MATTESSICH: Formalizing the Basis of Accounting. Werner DIEDERICH: A Reconstruction of Marxian Economics. Bert HAMMINGA and Wolfgang BALZER: The Basic Structure of (...)
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    Bringing Emotions To Reason.Paniel Reyes Cárdenas - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Emotion 3 (1):16-23.
    In his new book Emotion: The Basics, Michael S. Brady introduces the fundamentals on the philosophical approach to emotions: by fleshing out these basic tenets Brady provides insight into a core component of all our lives and covers the nature of emotions, their relationship to knowledge and understanding, and their relationship to our moral and social selves. In my comments, I value the achievements of Brady's work as well as explore a critical approach to the book in which I emphasise (...)
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    De la crítica a la modernidad a la autoafirmación del sujeto latinoamericano. Aportes desde el pensamiento de Arturo Roig.Johan Méndez Reyes & Lino Morán Beltrán - 2012 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 17 (59):59-67.
    El presente trabajo propone, desde una perspectiva crítica, revisar los cuestionamientos que desde el pensamiento crítico latinoamericano, en especial desde la obra de Arturo Roig, se hacen a la hegemonía del pensamiento de la modernidad occidental que con su pretensión de universalizar su visión de..
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    El Crucificado, lugar histórico de la Verdad. El problema de la verdad en los Tratados de san Agustín sobre el evangelio de Juan.Pedro Antonio Reyes Linares - 2004 - Augustinus 49 (192-193):107-145.
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  36. Importance of ethics in health research, the healthcare professional as a researcher.Marita V. T. Reyes - 2008 - In Angeles Tan-Alora, Introduction to Health Research Ethics: Philippine Health Research Ethics Board. Philippine National Health Research System.
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  37. Reflexiones sobre los estudios de Ciencia, Tecnología y Género.María Inmaculada Perdomo Reyes - 2010 - Laguna 26:79-94.
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  38. Sendas perdidas de la razón: cuando" el sueño de la razón produce monstruos".Manuel Reyes Mate - 1996 - Ideas Y Valores 45 (100):76-92.
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    Ethical and Professional Codes in Psychiatry.Victoria de la Caridad Ribot Reyes & Teresita del Carmen García Pérez - 2016 - Humanidades Médicas 16 (2):360-371.
    Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de analizar los diferentes códigos éticos y deontológicos internacionales, regionales y nacionales de los que se nutre la especialidad de psiquiatría. Se concluye que el comportamiento ético se basa en el sentido de la responsabilidad individual de cada psiquiatra hacia cada paciente y en la capacidad de ambos para determinar cuál es la conducta correcta y más apropiada. Las normas externas y las directrices, tales como los códigos de conducta profesional, las aportaciones (...)
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  40. Valor de la jurisprudencia como fuente formal del derecho.Estrada Aguirre & José Reyes - 1959 - [México]:
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  41. La plurinformación televisiva.Jesús Alcalde & Javier Reyes - 2005 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 62:64-70.
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  42. La secularización de la escatología en la filosofía moderna de la historia, según Karl Lowith.Inti Reyes Lopez - 2022 - In Ángel Xolocotzi Yáñez, Margareth Mejía Génez & Jean Orejarena Torres, Pensando el acontecer de la historia: reflexiones filosóficas sobre la historia en la modernidad tardía. Ciudad de México: Ediciones del Lirio.
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  43. ¿Atenas y/o Jerusalén? Respuesta a Francisco J.Martínez y Mario Salvatierra.Manuel Reyes Mate Rupérez - 2004 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 23:218-228.
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  44. (1 other version)The Logical Foundations of Cognition.John Macnamara & Gonzalo E. Reyes - 1997 - Philosophical Quarterly 47 (188):385-386.
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  45. Bi-Heyting algebras, toposes and modalities.Gonzalo E. Reyes & Houman Zolfaghari - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 25 (1):25 - 43.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce a new approach to the modal operators of necessity and possibility. This approach is based on the existence of two negations in certain lattices that we call bi-Heyting algebras. Modal operators are obtained by iterating certain combinations of these negations and going to the limit. Examples of these operators are given by means of graphs.
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    Capsaicin and cybernetics: Mexican intellectual networks in the foundation of cybernetics.Andrés Burbano & Everardo Reyes - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1013-1025.
    This paper offers some insights and clarifications of the paramount role that Mexico has had in the forging of first-order cybernetics. Our account starts with Arturo Rosenblueth as a key intellectual figure in the foundation and formation of the field. After revisiting a historical context of people and places, we proceed to a cultural and media archeological investigation that helps us obtain new insights into the ongoing effort to intertwine the complex intellectual networks across different countries in Latin America, North (...)
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    Navigating the Science System: Research Integrity and Academic Survival Strategies.Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner & Andrea Reyes Elizondo - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (2):1-19.
    Research Integrity (RI) is high on the agenda of both institutions and science policy. The European Union as well as national ministries of science have launched ambitious initiatives to combat misconduct and breaches of research integrity. Often, such initiatives entail attempts to regulate scientific behavior through guidelines that institutions and academic communities can use to more easily identify and deal with cases of misconduct. Rather than framing misconduct as a result of an information deficit, we instead conceptualize Questionable Research Practices (...)
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  48. Niños, libros y lectura.Elizabeth Antonia Reyes García - 2018 - In Ksenia Sidorova, Francia Peniche Pavía, López Herrera & María José, Niños y comunicación en ambientes educativos. Mérida, Yucatán, México: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
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    El deseo diferido de Los padres Por obtener un título reflejado en Los hijos al elegir su Carrera.David Gómez Sánchez, Ramón Gerardo Recio Reyes & Eugenia Inés Martínez López - 2011 - Aposta 48.
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  50. Un approccio al nichilismo contemporaneo: persistenza di alcune domande.María Cristina Reyes Leiva - 2011 - Acta Philosophica 20 (1):141 - 150.
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